I was asked by Jim Beidler, Interim Executive Director of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, whether I would like to be a Featured Speaker at GSP's upcoming virtual conference, the Pennsylvania Genealogy Event, or PaGE for short. I immediately agreed, but was conflicted about what to speak about. I've given a presentation on African Americans in Pennsylvania several times, but Adrienne Whaley, an excellent Keynote Speaker, will likely cover most of the points that I would cover. Likewise, Tim Pinnick and Marlene Bransom are also booked as Featured Speakers. So I decided to go a different route. I decided to present in somewhat of a case study approach about how I discovered my family's Pennsylvania touchpoints that I knew nothing about just 10 years ago. While some of my points are specific to African American Genealogy research, some apply to all researchers, regardless of ethnicity, regardless of whether they live in Pennsylvania, and are just interested in researching family who may have some Pennsylvania connections. Who knows, you may have some that you didn't know about...just like me!
The featured speaker presentations are all pre-recorded, and will be released during the week of the conference. I will be online for a Q&A session on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 7:00pm EDT. The recordings of the featured speakers will be available for 90 days following the end of the conference. The speaker information and the conference agenda is here, and registration information is here. Hope to see you there!
