Happy New Year! 2020 is getting off to a fast start for Family Pearl and me. As a member of the the African American Genealogy Group, I delivered a talk on "Using FamilySearch.org" the January States Group meeting. As a member of AAGG's Speakers Bureau, I will be giving talks on African American Genealogy for the Free Library of Philadelphia - Haddington Library Branch and Central Parkway Branch in February, and in March for the Abington Township Public Library as part of its Black History and Culture activities. Information on these talks can be found in Events and Speaking menu selection on the main website page.
Family Pearl LLC has been asked to prepare a bid for two interesting projects. One involves the creation of a process to maintain the existing 30 generation history of a client, and another involves the tracing of descendants of slaves by the descendant of a slave owner. These projects represent an exciting expansion of Family Pearl service offerings.
Lastly, I have begun participation in the planning for the 2020 Afro American Historical and Genealogical Society National Conference. Planned for October 2020, it will look to attract descendants of the original "20 and odd negroes" brought to Virginia in 1619. Held in Hampton, Virginia, the conference is close in proximity to the American Revolution site of the Siege at Yorktown, where I recently learned my 4G grandfather fought! Really looking forward to attending this one!
